Financial Independence – $246,000 a Year in Tax-Free Income For Life at Age 66
A Reachable Goal for a 25 year old.
What will you do? Watch the video and find out how you could achieve something similar.
Discover the Tax-Free Pension Alternative, also known as living benefit life insurance or the Tax-Free IUL.

A wise client called the Tax-Free IUL spectacular, a game changer! No downside risk. Tax-free income for life and a reasonable rate of return. He called it “The 401(k) Replacement!”
John age 25 was impressed enough to take control of his retirement. He’s on his way to financial independence. Imagine what you could do for your family.
He’ll retire at age 66 with $246,000 in tax-free income for life based on the historical rate of return. John comprehended the magic of tax-free compounding right away. It is even better and more powerful because you don’t lose money when the markets go down and your gains are locked in annually.
When you don’t lose money, you are never digging out of an investment hole, plus you never give back previous gains. Knowledge + action have empowered John and he is on his way to a wealthy retirement.
You can request an illustration and free retirement plan comparison.